Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Hello, It's Me.


I set up this blog a few months ago with the intention of posting with some frequency and sharing a glimpse into my little world. Unfortunately, that didn't quite happen... 

However, as it's 2018 and as I feel I lead a sufficiently fulfilled life not to warrant a list of resolutions, I thought I might, at the very least, resurface this blog and post. Over the years, I have had a few people comment on how they'd like me to share recipes, reviews, workouts, fashion and money-saving tips, so I would like to document these somewhere.

Here are a few things you won't find on my blog.
-- Professional pictures: I have the picture-taking and editing skills of a llama. Keep your expectations low.
-- Affiliate links that generate me an income; I have a great day-job and am writing purely for pleasure. I will share links to offer you ideas, not to earn me a quick buck.
-- A view of a world that isn't real; I have a real aversion for posed blogs where everyone has the perfect pastel Pottery Barn-esque living room or the exquisitely collated outfit. Not that I don't love Pottery Barn or like exquisite outfits. But life comes with its fair share of Ikea and jeans that need hemming. That's OK too.

A little bit about me: I currently reside between Doha, Qatar and Seoul, South Korea. I work as a international headhunter for a thriving e-commerce business. When I'm not in Seoul, I enjoy exploring Doha and our beautiful world with my husband, Matthias, who is an author and university academic.
